on Monday, January 24, 2011

  Flipping, twisting, jumping and turning, we all wonder how they do it.  Gymnasts constantly appear to defy physics performing seemingly impossible acrobatic skills. Reality is athletes from gymnasts to divers to skiers are all using physics in there favor to overcome gravity.  The goal is to explain the physics behind some of the most basic gymnastics moves to some of the more complex ones, and also to explore how some of the same techniques and concepts apply to other sports as well.  Beyond the physics of the sport there is also science involved in the nutrition of the athlete and the flexability/strengthing.  There is science involved in nearly every aspect of these sports from the tricks to the health to the materials which the different apparatuses are made of.  Gymnastics shows a world filled of science outside the labratory.

If there is anything in particular you are curious about  let me know and please feel free to comment on any posts.  Just keep posts civil and polite, and offensive comments will be deleted.